Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The challenge of Los Angeles government

The challenge of Los Angeles government
The challenge of Los Angeles government has been to build and sustain
a city government that will be efficient, effective, and responsive. In 1999,
Los Angeles voters passed a new city charter that increased the authority of the mayor
and created new institutions to enhance public participation.
The new charter has moved Los Angeles forward in the direction of greater participation.
The city is consolidating and absorbing these major changes.
But further progress is likely to be needed both within the halls of city
government and within the community.
The struggle to build the best possible governance structure for
Los Angeles will continue well into the 21st century.
What are the loose ends? What are the reform ideas of tomorrow?
An effective democracy depends on a well-designed governance
system and a well-informed and engaged citizenry. The political culture of
Los Angeles is one of limited political interest, and there are no political
party organizations to mobilize voters. Neighborhoods are hard to define
and boundaries are fuzzy. With some notable exceptions, the media provide
relatively little attention to local public affairs. How can participation
be increased and how can the connection between residents and their city
government be enhanced?

Voters have been confounded, hoodwinked, bamboozled, bluffed, duped, manipulated, seduced, beguiled, flimflammed and sandbagged by a master of deception into believing that there is “no alternative in the opposition”.

That they have to vote for the current corrupt failed elected officials. What a brainwashing agenda.


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